CoolHeads is an upscale hair grooming Salon For Men with a Great Price located in the Dallas Metro Area. We like to make your experience a super-premium with warm smiles, personalized cuts & grooming.We promise to deliver a very satisfying experience. We also offer a long line of products with a discount after any service purchase. We have free beverages and an in-house free video gaming service. Established in 2017. An upscale salon with a great price. When we say it, we truly mean it. Let it be, theluxury custom made COLLINS Barber chairs or the dozen LED screens in the store or the FREE beverages or the VIDEO game consoles,we offer the best experience in the industry to our customers.At the same time, our prices are very competitive to any national chains and probabaly half the cost of a speciality Men’s salon.This is something we never had in Dallas area. At CoolHeads, we get the best from both worlds.Visit the store today for the CoolHeads Experience and learn yourself, why we are truly unique.